O, my first orgasm

A collection of personal essays on first orgasm. New stories every Monday and Thursday.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Call for Submissions

Among the existing “first time” anthologies there remains a void – discussion of first orgasm. First orgasm is unique in its diversity as a common experience.

In my quest for orgasm, I researched heavily. I read instructional guides, watched films, and attended lectures. Sadly, most of what I found was geared towards forty-something married women with attentive partners. As a young single woman, I felt alienated. What little I could find that I related to seemed to focus on the mythical shower head. I would look up at my wall-mounted shower and wonder, “How the heck am I supposed to get my vagina up there?”

Now that my little sister is beginning her search for orgasm, I am hoping to provide her (and the rest of us) with a new resource – a collection of explicit personal essays on first orgasm.

I was hoping you would be interested in contributing to this collection of personal essays on first orgasm. Currently, the collection is being posted to O, my first orgasm at omyfirstorgasm.blogspot.com. I hope to create an anthology proposal out of the submissions. Please indicate in your reply if you would be interested in participating in the anthology, as well as the website.

Previously published works as well as brand spanking new pieces are welcome. We can not provide monetary remuneration at this time but are happy to link to your website. If the project makes the jump to print media, remuneration will be available.

Your piece can be as long or as short as it needs. Please creatively interpret the theme of first orgasm. For example, first orgasm could mean first in a certain circumstance, first alone, first with a partner, first in public, first with a group, first in front of a camera, first after an event, first with medication, first on Viagra, first with a vibrator, first female/male ejaculation, first with a woman, first with a man, first time faking (or not faking), first post transition, or first ever.

Although we are now accepting stories that occur before the age of 18, essays involving minors must be limited to solo sex scenes (no partners). If you were fortunate enough to experience your first orgasm with a partner before 18, please write about a different orgasm.

Please feel free to circulate this call for submissions.

Submissions should be emailed to omyfirstorgasm@yahoo.com.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First Orgasm" is a great idea for a blog. I plan to follow it, and cite articles relevant to my own interests centering on chronic masturbation. Many of the experiences chronicled on my blog Onania -- The Journal of Chronic Masturbation deal with first orgasms -- reasonably so, since first orgasms often result from hands-on activities. Here for example is a recent post: A Boy's First Time

I participate in numerous masturbation-related groups and am always on the lookout for articles on chronic masturbation. I would be happy to submit relevant first-time articles to your blog; they are not always well written because I like to keep the words of the original author. But they are always (for me) most engaging.

2/22/2006 11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a great story. I just need to write it down.

8/24/2006 7:29 AM  

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