O, my first orgasm

A collection of personal essays on first orgasm. New stories every Monday and Thursday.

Monday, February 27, 2006

like that

iseegreenbutyoudont is a New York-based theatre guru who should write more. When not jet setting off to exotic locales, she plays guitar on porch steps and laughs like a worm. Although she lacks a blog, she can be contacted at iseegreenbutyoudont@hotmail.com.

Like the first time I flew over, around and around Manhattan waiting, waiting…then landing amidst all the lights and splendor…knew I had arrived

Like my first memories of inconsolable sadness…weeping in the dark in my tree house with total abandonment…

Like the first time I got my nose pierced and a few tears snuck out of the corners of my eyes and ran down my cheeks…but I wasn’t really crying…

Like a near death experience…almost drowning then pushed up to the surface sucking in huge gulps of air…limbs tingling…trying to ground myself in the watery sheets…

Like the first time I ran a 7 minute mile…dragged my whipped ass over the line and doubled over in relief, exhaustion and exhilaration…

Like the first time I lost myself tripping and couldn’t feel anything but a bubble of heat sliding from my pelvis through my center to my brain stem and back down…totally unleveled…

Like the first time I blocked a shot, stole the ball, raced down the court, laid it up and swaggered back to defense knowing I fucking got that one right!

The other day I overheard a groups of kids in conversation…’nonsense’ silly kid talk about their peers and what time they had to be home for dinner…I realized that strive as I might to recapture my ‘inner kid’…I’ve physically crossed a line…become a woman…smile…

like that…


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