O, my first orgasm

A collection of personal essays on first orgasm. New stories every Monday and Thursday.

Monday, February 27, 2006

like that

iseegreenbutyoudont is a New York-based theatre guru who should write more. When not jet setting off to exotic locales, she plays guitar on porch steps and laughs like a worm. Although she lacks a blog, she can be contacted at iseegreenbutyoudont@hotmail.com.

Like the first time I flew over, around and around Manhattan waiting, waiting…then landing amidst all the lights and splendor…knew I had arrived

Like my first memories of inconsolable sadness…weeping in the dark in my tree house with total abandonment…

Like the first time I got my nose pierced and a few tears snuck out of the corners of my eyes and ran down my cheeks…but I wasn’t really crying…

Like a near death experience…almost drowning then pushed up to the surface sucking in huge gulps of air…limbs tingling…trying to ground myself in the watery sheets…

Like the first time I ran a 7 minute mile…dragged my whipped ass over the line and doubled over in relief, exhaustion and exhilaration…

Like the first time I lost myself tripping and couldn’t feel anything but a bubble of heat sliding from my pelvis through my center to my brain stem and back down…totally unleveled…

Like the first time I blocked a shot, stole the ball, raced down the court, laid it up and swaggered back to defense knowing I fucking got that one right!

The other day I overheard a groups of kids in conversation…’nonsense’ silly kid talk about their peers and what time they had to be home for dinner…I realized that strive as I might to recapture my ‘inner kid’…I’ve physically crossed a line…become a woman…smile…

like that…

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dr. Susan Block writes of Dr. Betty Dodson, My First Orgasm, Cindy Sheehan, and Mohammed

Part philosopher, part sex symbol, part humorist, part social commentator and part-time horny housewife, Dr. Susan Block is a world-renowned sex educator, therapist, best-selling author, cable TV host and star of HBO's #1 Nielsen-rated Radio Sex TV. A familiar face on HBO's late-night programming, Dr. Block is the woman whom Sheila Nevins, Senior VP of Original and Late-Night Programming on HBO, credits with "showing me that sex education can be sexy television."

*editor’s note – This is an excerpt of a piece originally published at http://www.drsusanblock.com/blog/blog.asp on February 2, 2006.

Dr. Betty Dodson, My First Orgasm, Cindy Sheehan and Mohammed

Confession: My special guest at our sexuality salon this coming Saturday gave me my first orgasm.

Well, not personally. Actually, it was her first book that gave it to me. I was 19 years old, and I'd never had an orgasm. Oh, I'd had sex a few times, mainly with my high school boyfriend, and he'd had plenty of orgasms. I'd masturbated since before I could walk, but not yet to *completion.* I did have involuntary climaxes occasionally when I rode a horse or did kip-ups in gymnastics. But no full-fledged voluntary orgasms until my first semester of my sophomore year at Yale. That was when I read a book that was most definitely not required reading for any of my classes: Betty Dodson’s Liberating Masturbation.

No I didn’t date any Skull & Boners during my sojourn at Yale, but I was seeing a gorgeous young math genius on the crew team named Steven, tall and sensuously lean, with long flowing blonde hair and eyes the color of an unspoiled lake. The only problem was that Steven was very shy, and since I was fairly shy too, our evenings tended to be pretty dull. But I was infatuated with his golden athletic beauty and dazzling numerical brilliance. And one night, when I let him stay over in my tiny little dorm room in my tiny little single bed, we had sex. I don't remember much about the sex. I think it wasn't bad, but I know it wasn't orgasmic.

When Steven left for his early morning math class, I remember lingering in bed. Lazily, I started to touch myself, picking up where Steven had left off. But I didn't know what to do. Not exactly. So, being a bookish girl, I reached for a book. We were reading Antony and Cleopatra in Shakespeare class. Though I found the play to be quite erotic, I knew old A&C wouldn’t tell me what I needed to know at that critical moment. Nor would my psych or philosophy textbooks or even my French Fleurs du Mal. So I pushed them all aside for a little illustrated pamphlet I’d picked up from one of the women’s consciousness raising groups so popular back then.

This was Liberating Masturbation. I perused a few paragraphs as I continued to touch myself. Within less than a dozen pages, I’d received a lesson in female anatomy like I’d never been given before. In a smart, friendly, no-nonsense style, Betty told me exactly what and where my clitoris was (nobody else ever had!), and how to touch it to make it feel wonderful. She told me to relax and breathe deep, something I’d never thought of doing with sex, despite my years of yoga. So, I relaxed and breathed deeply, as I stroked and played with myself like I'd played since I was a baby, but this time I followed Betty’s instructions, pushing myself farther. I inhaled and exhaled deeper and deeper, and rubbed and tickled and poked and pulled, licking my fingers and feeling the power, checking back with the book for ideas, breathing more and more deeply, rubbing faster and slower and then faster again, until lo and behold, the proverbial dam burst, the bed shook, the dorm room spun, and I bounced off the cliff into orgasm. My first full-fledged, voluntary orgasm.

I remember feeling awed and amazed, like I'd gone through a personal revolution right there in my tiny, overprotected, little dorm room bed. I knew I had passed through a "rite of passage" that none of my anthropology books dared describe. I felt blessed, or maybe just lucky, like I'd been given a gift from God, or the Goddess, or Nature, a pure pleasure that I didn't have to work for, didn't cost any money, didn't have any calories and didn't require *faith* in myths or suppositions. I marveled that something so easy could be so explosive, yet so gentle. And I remember realizing I was hooked, that at that point, after 19 years of life on earth, I had become orgasmic. I knew, right then and there, that no matter what happened, the rest of my life would include these exquisite explosions of pleasure, that pretty much whenever I wanted, I could enjoy a little piece of heaven on Earth. It was all just as close as my fingertips.

I remember drifting blissfully in that tiny little dorm room bed, as if I were Cleopatra floating down the Nile on her perfumed barge toward Antony, her erotic destiny. Then I remember glancing at the clock and realizing that if I didn't get out of bed that minute, I'd miss that Shakespeare class! So I threw on my clothes, picked up my books and left--a New Orgasmic Woman--then, now, and forever, a proud citizen of Betty Dodson’s Masturbation Nation, joining her "on the barricades" against sexual ignorance and repression.

Betty’s Liberating Masturbation was eventually revamped and renamed Sex for One. It became a classic. Over the decades, it has helped millions of women like me to have their first orgasms. And it has eased the guilt and opened the minds of many others, male and female. Like another bestseller of its time, The Joy of Sex, it carried the sexology research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, along with the pioneering efforts of Victoria Woodhull, Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger, into the burgeoning self-help arena. It reached the masses, grabbed them (gently) by the cajones, and stoked the Sexual Revolution.

As the title indicates, Sex for One is the quintessential self-help manual (pun intended). Its message is self-revolutionary: If you can help yourself to the greatest sexual pleasure, you really don’t need to kow-tow to the demands of an unreasonable husband, or wife, or religion, or government. No wonder masturbation is still so taboo.

Betty hit a bullseye with that first manifesto. But, unlike so many “sexperts,” she didn’t cranked out a library of sexual self-help books. After decades of doing her world-famous workshops, videos, lectures, articles and photo collections, she finally wrote a "sequel*: Orgasms for Two, which you can read about here.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Josh Cohen's First Bad Orgasm

Josh Cohen is a traffic reporter and writer. He regularly blogs on Multiple Mentality(http://www.multiplementality.com), and lives near Atlanta, GA, with his wife and four cats.

I used to spend a lot of time on AOL -- in the chat rooms and on the newsgroups and boards -- back in the pre-unlimited-hours days, back when it was x dollars per hour. I met some interesting people, including the girl who is the subject of my 1000-mile booty call story. But I also met a girl we'll call C.

I chatted with C for a couple of weeks before deciding that it might be interesting to go out with her. Just to see what she was like in person. After all, she lived only about 10 minutes from my college (where I was living in the dorms). My roommate was already gone for the winter break, and my dad (who was coming to town to pick me up and take me home for break) wasn't coming into town until two days later.

What the hell, right? I could get laid, or I could have a fun time, or nothing could happen. Worse comes to worst, I spend $20 (C and I were going to play pool), then come home, shower, read, and go to bed.

I picked C up at her house. She was, to put it mildly, not what I expected. She was a little less than average in terms of attractiveness, and had misrepresented her weight. And in person, she was far less witty and engaging, which was much worse (in my eyes) than any problems I might have with her appearance.

But I was already there, and I'm not the kind of person to show up and then drive off. So we went out to the pool hall, played a few frames, and then she decided she wanted to see the dorms.

What the hell, right? I took her back to my dorm. We talked for a couple of hours, growing physically closer each time one or the other of us got up from the bed (where we were sitting -- the chairs provided by the school were uncomfortable at best).

Sitting turned to touching turned to kissing turned to putting the light out and making out, and eventually I asked her if she wanted to have sex. We hadn't done very much foreplay (I'd tried, but she was pretty stiff and unresponsive; she hadn't tried anything on me), but I was getting to the point where I wanted this to end.

She said yes, so I put on a condom and we had sex.

Never before and never since have I actually tried to come quickly. She didn't moan; she didn't move; she didn't respond; she didn't come (and believe me, I tried to get her off); she didn't writhe; she didn't clutch; she didn't arch. She just laid there and took it.

I gave up on trying to make her come and just finished as quickly as I could. I think by that point we both knew it wasn't working. I came, I pulled out, I disposed of the condom, and in the dark we both got dressed. I saw her to the dorm room door, and she left.

That was the last time I saw C. I didn't talk to her after that. She didn't try to talk to me. No e-mails or IMs were exchanged.

One week later, I had a very satisfying (and very brief) relationship with another woman I met on AOL. She was everything that C was not, in terms of intelligence, wit, and sexual response. I quickly forgot about C, and have thought of her very infrequently since that night, the night of my first and only bad orgasm. The sexual experience I'd most like to forget.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

sugasm #22

The best of the blogs by the bloggers who blog them, this week starting with the letter “Q”. Queens and Holy Bitches (deltaofvenus.blogspot.com…)
Removal Procedures (alwaysarousedgirl.blogspot.com…)
The Seduction (barelace.blogspot.com…)
Sex in Libraries: An Introduction (lumpesse.com…)
Shopping Trip (mnsss.blogspot.com…)
Slave For A Day (talkingdirty.blogspot.com…)
Smells Like Vanilla (sabrinainstockings.com…)
“St (Censored) Day…” (chaosnoir.blogspot.com…)
The Ten Commandments (theholidaylife.blogspot.com…)
“This bed is on fire with passionate love.” - Part 1 (eternalapprentice.blogsome.com…)
What Turns You On - Part 1 (seskuality.com…)
You Own Me (secretsofadirtygirl.blogspot.com…)
Another Canceled Race (bikersballsandteacherstits.blogspot.com…)
Chocolate Ecstasy (shayssexcolumn.blogspot.com…)
Coach T… Chapter 5 (whatsexmaycome.blogspot.com…)
Confessions of a Valentine’s Day Virgin (sexeteria.blogspot.com…)
Domme Visit Part I (nycbdsm.blogspot.com…)
Don’t… (emergingontheotherside.blogspot.com…)
Ex Libris Eroticis (sexblo.gs)
How To Work With Eastern European Models (sugarbank.com…)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

orgasmic resources

In the fall of 2003, I wrote a 15 page, 12 pt, 1.5 spaced term paper: Coming to Pleasure – Contemporary Resources for Women with Orgasmic Difficulties. If anyone would like a copy, email me and I’ll mail you a hard copy (the electronic file has tragically been lost). Here’s a summary of some of the resources I managed to dig up. Please chime in with suggestions of things I've missed.


Betty Dodson – The Mother of Masturbation has been teaching women and men sexual empowerment through selflove since the early 1970s. In addition to her classic text, Sex for One (originally titled Liberating Masturbation) and the more recent Orgasms for Two, Betty has produced several videos including Selfloving: Portrait of a Woman’s Sexuality Seminar and Celibrating Orgasm: Women’s Private Selfloving Sessions. http://www.bettydodson.com/

Ducky Doolittle – As a sex educator, writer, and spoken word artist, Ducky’s workshops, performances, writings, and website provide valuable information and liberation in a sex-positive, kink-friendly, humor-filled atmosphere. http://www.drducky.com/

Ellen Freidrichs of Sex Edvice – http://sexedvice.com/


Eve’s Garden – The first woman-centered sex boutique in New York, Eve’s Garden has been open since 1974. Located discreetly on the twelth floor of a midtown office building, Eve’s caters to the mature heterosexual woman who wouldn’t be caught dead on 6th Avenue or the former stores of Times Square. The selection is substantially smaller than Toys in Babeland but could be less intimidating in its intimacy. http://www.evesgarden.com

Babeland (formerly Toys in Babeland) – A woman-oriented, male-welcoming, queer-positive, kink-friendly, all around happy friendly non-threatening place to purchase sexuality products including books, magazines, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, fetish gear, videos, lubricants, and safer sex supplies. It is also a wonderful place to seek advice from skilled employees or at one of their frequent workshops. http://babeland.com

Good Vibrations – http://www.goodvibes.com/

Blowfish – http://www.blowfish.com/

Come As You Are - http://www.comeasyouare.com/

Books and Films

Sex For One – The Joy of Selfloving – Betty Dodson’s revolutionary text was the first to liberate female masturbation. Although not a how-to-orgasm guide, such as some other resources, Dodson provides a context for orgasm, masturbation, and pleasure through her lovely illustrations and insightful anectdotes. She believes that masturbation holds the key for women who believe they are “frigid.”

For Yourself – The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality – Lonnie Barbach’s text is a program for preorgasmic women to increase sexual pleasure and achieve orgasm. It was recommended as a valuable text for women with limited experience with masturbation and sexual self-exploration. Barbach, like Dodson, conducted group workshops and individual therapy about women’s sexuality. Her text is geared towards the married or partnered heterosexual woman.

The Clitoral Truth – The Secret World at Your Fingertips – Rebecca Chalker’s contemporary text draws from Dodson and Barbahc, as well as thirty years of feminist and sexual revolution. Not focused specifically on orgasm, Chalker provides valuable information on female sexual anatomy and functioning. She dispels many myths and discusses the effects of power and beliefs (both personal and societal) upon sexual pleasure and experience. This book is the most queer-inclusive text I found. The illustrations are wonderful displaying different body types, ethnicities, ages, couples, and singles. For a woman who desires a more general approach to exploring her sexuality, this is a wonderful place to start.

Becoming Orgasmic – A Sexual and Personal Growth Program for Women… And the Men who Love Them – This DVD, based on the popular text, is produced by the Sinclair intimacy Institute. It is an educational film geared towards helping heterosexual married women (and their spouses) reach orgasm. The video follows Elaine and Mike as she pursues her first orgasm.

Please Don’t Stop – Lesbian Tips for Givin’ and Gettin’ It – This film, produced by Good Vibrations’ Good Vibes Sex Positive Crew and Homosexual Chocolate, was recommended by the Toys in Babeland staff as a queer-friendly film for women with orgasmic difficulties. However, it does not specifically address orgasm or orgasmic difficulties. Rather it explores and demonstrates ways to enjoy sexual pleasure alone and with your partner.

Monday, February 13, 2006

the joys of sex toys

My first exposure to a sex toy was in john irving’s the son of the circus. I was reading it in my algebra class (I had finished a quiz early) and I started the chapter entitled “the dildo”. “ewww!” corey dunmead shrieked. “what kind of a book are you reading?!?”

“it’s a good book!” I defended, not understanding his objection, as I had no idea what a dildo was. But by the end of the chapter, I had figured it out. The dildo in this particular irving novel was rather large and hard plastic and used to smuggle drugs. But it was clearly a sexual tool.

After this chapter, I began experimenting with makeshift penetrative objects. Vegetables (I broke my hymen with a banana on the bathroom floor at three am on a school night), flashlights, candles, writing utensils, bottles (teachable moment: never insert an open bottle into a bodily orifice like a rectum or vagina. The open mouth can lead to a suction that is rather hard to detach, at times resulting in injury and/or embarrassing trips to emergency rooms. This one is not a personal experience, but rather a friend’s.), and anything else vaguely phallic.

I was trying to understand why something up there was supposed to feel good. Although the psychological thrill was a rush (between the guilt and the shame and the risk of being caught), the penetration itself was not particularly exciting.

At this time, I was also hitting the point of the “everything but” where my sexual experience would plateau for the next five years. I liked making out and giving blowjobs. Fingering was great and fun, as were handjobs. But I did not like guys (cause of course there were only guys at this point) going down on me. Too much pressure to perform. The first time a guy went down on me (in the movie theatre during Contact) I had a lovely time, but then he asked me if a “came”. I said sure. Up until that point, I thought only guys could “cum”. So now there was something else wrong with me. I couldn’t come. But I took solace in the fact that orgasm would obviously come when I finally “had sex” (cause none of the above was sex. When I started attending sex conferences and researchers were sitting around with their cocktails discussing how contemporary adolescents do not consider oral sex to be sex, quite a few were shocked when I admitted that until I started studying and teaching sex, neither did I.)

Anyways, when the time came, in that cheap super eight off of highway six after I got off my shift at ihop and he had a five am physical to join the coast guard reserves in the morning, I didn’t come. I didn’t come the second time. Or the third. Or with the second guy. Or the third. Or the fourth. The fifth was nonconsensual, so an entirely different realm of sensations, orgasm not being among them.

After that particular moment, I swore off sex. A more comprehensive definition this time. I dated a wonderful woman, the first I had fallen in love with back in high school, but could not sleep with her. I dated an eccentric musician from Washington Square Park who didn’t believe in sex (not premarital, all sex. Even masturbation. The guy had issues. And he was dating me).

When new year’s came around, I made a resolution to heal and celebrate my sexuality, for myself. The first step was to have an orgasm already. I had seen Betty Dodson and Tristan Taormino speak (not to mention Leslie Feinberg). I had decided to be a sex educator. I was about to start leading workshops on sexual pleasure, and I still couldn’t pleasure myself. I felt like a total fraud.

But a fraud with a mission. I wanted to buy a vibrator. I had tried to buy one the previous spring. I tore an ad from the village voice for $10 pocket rockets. A male friend escorted me down to the sixth avenue sex shop. We walked in and were confronted with humongous black and tan jelly cocks. They were huge and they were everywhere. By the time we found the vibrators to discover the pocket rockets had sold out, my hair had braided itself into pigtails and I was ready to sprint. Not exactly a positive experience.

The second time, I was going to do it right. I researched online a www.babeland.com and www.blowfish.com . The customer and staff reviews at babeland were particularly helpful. I knew penetration wasn’t what I needed (I had had plenty and look where it had gotten me), so I focused on the clitoral vibes. I wanted something small and non-threatening but strong and adjustable. And reasonably priced. I settled on the honey bear. I recruited my roommate, who still isn’t exactly sex positive but has made steps, to escort me to Toys in Babeland on rivington between orchard and Ludlow. She hugged the wall by the books while I shyly ventured around the center table of vibrators. A staff person approached and asked if she could help out. I pulled out my notes and said I was looking for the honey bear. She found it right away, his arms raised like a clit hugging ballerina. She also pointed out the honey dog, which looked more like an anteater to me, with two dainty vibrating tongues. The honey bear fit discreetly in the palm on my hand. The remote was also palm length, the two connected by a white cord. I bought him without exploring the rest of the store. I took him home and named him Albert.

I had read enough Betty Dodson at this point not to pressure myself too much. For our first date, Albert and I got to know each other. I could feel something building stronger and stronger, as he gripped my clit, his body hugged by my labia. At the last minute I turned him off. I thought I was going to pee the bed or scream or something to let the building know what I was doing.

On our second date, both of my roommates were out. I took a bath (cause I’m in to super cheesy sexual firsts, just look at my virginity loss above) and dried off with my best fluffy towel. First I played with Albert on my breasts, pinching each nibble. I licked my left middle finger and started to stroke my clit. Then I moved Albert down. I settled him into place with the vibrations turned off. I stroked Albert as he pinched my clit, his body stimulating the legs of my clitoris and rubbing against my urethra.

I then turned him on low. I made sure to breath, watching my diaphragm rise and fall like theatre vocal warm-ups. I started having little shivers and jumps. I turned him up higher. I was breathing fairly hard at this point. I remembered Betty Dodson talking about kegel exercises. I clenched my vaginal muscles, tight, tight, tight, in time with my quick gasps of inhalations. I could feel it building again. My right hand raking my thigh started moving towards the controls to turn it down. I moved it to my breast and squeezed full palmed (in the same rough awkward grasp of so many jr high and high school conquests).

When I came I stopped breathing for two minutes. My body shook and my neck froze, head thrust back like a seizure victim. My toes curled and my fingers locked in their double jointed akimbo. Albert purred. I had made a new friend.

Since that first orgasm, I have been an advocate of sex toys. I took the next boy I slept with down to toys in babeland for a vibrating buttplug after our first night together. We later invested in a nexus and harness (named them henry and june). When we broke up he kept henry and I kept june, so I bought her a new cock. And I haven’t stopped collecting.

What I have learned in my three years of orgasms and sex toys. I like hard toys. Hard plastic and stainless steel and pyrex (and glass if I could afford it) are my friends. I like vibration outside and pressure inside (except in my ass where I like both). The double headed toys like the rabbit and the koi fish (kicks the rabbit’s ass) with a clit tickler and rotating shaft with pearls and such can easily be outdone by a slimline and a nubby-g. the rotating shaft does nothing for me vaginally, but I love rotating toys in my butt. Silicone is the best material ever made because it conducts heat and vibration and you can boil it and it comes in so many pretty pretty colors (but is not cheap). The most expensive toys are not the best toys. The best toys are rarely cheap.

In terms of first toys, start with the clit or something small with a wide rim if its for the ass. focus on sensation first, orgasm second, penetration third (for boys and girls). i love the honeybear and the bullet toys (make sure the toy is adjustable, i like scrolling speeds as opposed to low/medium/high or, even worse, on/off). slim lines are very versatile for girls, but under no circumstances are allowed up the ass. don't pay $80 for your first sex toy. start cheap and work your way up once you know what you like. always use condoms on your toys. again, wrap up your toys.

If you are interested in purchasing or exploring sex toys, I highly suggest blowfish and babeland.com, as well as good vibrations. If you are in the new york area, my second favorite sex toy shop (toys in babeland being my primary store) is fantasy world on 13th and 7th (24 hours and they sell sliquid h2o lube, my fave). Have fun and happy orgasms.

Jane Vincent is a freelance sex educator, smut writer, certified sex coach, former sex worker, and blue haired waitress who holds a BS in human sexuality. As the educated slut, she takes it to the streets and the sheets and lives to blog the tale at educatedslut.blogspot.com. She currently practices her unique blend of sexual activism in Houston, TX.

Call for Submissions

Among the existing “first time” anthologies there remains a void – discussion of first orgasm. First orgasm is unique in its diversity as a common experience.

In my quest for orgasm, I researched heavily. I read instructional guides, watched films, and attended lectures. Sadly, most of what I found was geared towards forty-something married women with attentive partners. As a young single woman, I felt alienated. What little I could find that I related to seemed to focus on the mythical shower head. I would look up at my wall-mounted shower and wonder, “How the heck am I supposed to get my vagina up there?”

Now that my little sister is beginning her search for orgasm, I am hoping to provide her (and the rest of us) with a new resource – a collection of explicit personal essays on first orgasm.

I was hoping you would be interested in contributing to this collection of personal essays on first orgasm. Currently, the collection is being posted to O, my first orgasm at omyfirstorgasm.blogspot.com. I hope to create an anthology proposal out of the submissions. Please indicate in your reply if you would be interested in participating in the anthology, as well as the website.

Previously published works as well as brand spanking new pieces are welcome. We can not provide monetary remuneration at this time but are happy to link to your website. If the project makes the jump to print media, remuneration will be available.

Your piece can be as long or as short as it needs. Please creatively interpret the theme of first orgasm. For example, first orgasm could mean first in a certain circumstance, first alone, first with a partner, first in public, first with a group, first in front of a camera, first after an event, first with medication, first on Viagra, first with a vibrator, first female/male ejaculation, first with a woman, first with a man, first time faking (or not faking), first post transition, or first ever.

Although we are now accepting stories that occur before the age of 18, essays involving minors must be limited to solo sex scenes (no partners). If you were fortunate enough to experience your first orgasm with a partner before 18, please write about a different orgasm.

Please feel free to circulate this call for submissions.

Submissions should be emailed to omyfirstorgasm@yahoo.com.